© 2025 Village of Baraga | 906-353-6237 100 Hemlock Street, Baraga, Michigan 49908

Welcome to

The Village of Baraga

The Village of Baraga is located in the northwestern part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula on L'Anse Bay, the lower part of Keweenaw Bay on the majestic Lake Superior shoreline. Baraga was founded on a site once occupied by an Indian Community, and the Village is today a part of the L'Anse Indian Reservation.
In the seventeenth century, the first white men came to the area as French missionaries, voyageurs and traders following the south shore of Lake Superior westward from Sault Ste, Marie, finding it natural to stop along Keweenaw Bay. The early 1800's witnessed extensive area involvement in the fur trade. Father Frederick Baraga established a Roman Catholic Mission at Assinins in 1843. Both the Village and the County took Father Baraga's name. The Village of Baraga was incorporated in 1891. Lumbering, fishing, mining and agriculture attracted a variety of immigrants to the area and population peaked in the early part of the century. In recent years, the economy of the area has shifted towards manufacturing, tourism, and casino gaming and government services.
Village News & Events Baraga has many places and events worthwhile to see. Varying from viewing fall colors and snowmobiling to enjoying the scenery or fishing. New: Capul Recreational Park and Veteran Memorial Park! Click here to read important information about your drinking water!! HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - As your local, not-for-profit utility, we are dedicated to supporting our community during difficult times. We are here to help promote available local community resources for when you need them. New Energy Efficiency Program for Electrical Rebates Council Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 5:00 PM. Joint Waste Water Authority Meetings are the second Monday of every month 2:00 PM. Village of Baraga Parks & Recreation Plan Master Plan Title VI Plan (PDF) 2023 Water Quality Report Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Report 2017 Emergency Power Outages after business hours or weekends, please call the Baraga County Sheriff Office at 906-524-6177.
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Baraga an Indian Community Village part of the L'Anse Indian Reservation, U.P of Michigan
L'Anse Bay is on the lower part of Keweenaw Bay on the Lake Superior shoreline.
Village of Baraga 100 Hemlock Street Baraga, Michigan 49908 Phone: 906-353-6237 Fax: 906-353-6100 Hours: M-F 7:30 AM-4:00 PM Village Manager: LeAnn M. LeClaire manager@villageofbaraga.org Office Manager: Cherie Koski office@villageofbaraga.org
Shoreline of L'Anse Bay from the Village of Baraga The Capul Recreational Park Veterans Memorial Park
© 2025 Village of Baraga | 906-353-6237 100 Hemlock Street, Baraga, Michigan 49908 Website by North Country Website Design

Welcome to

The Village of Baraga

The Village of Baraga is located in the northwestern part of Michigan's Upper Peninsula on L'Anse Bay, the lower part of Keweenaw Bay on the majestic Lake Superior shoreline. Baraga was founded on a site once occupied by an Indian Community, and the Village is today a part of the L'Anse Indian Reservation.
Village of Baraga 100 Hemlock Street Baraga, Michigan 49908 Phone: 906-353-6237 Fax: 906-353-6100 Hours: M-F 7:30 AM-4:00 PM Village Manager: LeAnn M. LeClaire manager@villageofbaraga.org Office Manager: Cherie Koski office@villageofbaraga.org
L'Anse Bay is on the lower part of Keweenaw Bay on the Lake Superior shoreline.
Village News & Events Baraga has many places and events worthwhile to see. Varying from viewing fall colors and snowmobiling to enjoying the scenery or fishing. New: Capul Recreational Park and Veteran Memorial Park! Click here to read important information about your drinking water!! HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - As your local, not-for-profit utility, we are dedicated to supporting our community during difficult times. We are here to help promote available local community resources for when you need them. New Energy Efficiency Program for Electrical Rebates Council Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 5:00 PM. Joint Waste Water Authority Meetings are the second Monday of every month 2:00 PM. Village of Baraga Parks & Recreation Plan Master Plan Title VI Plan (PDF) 2023 Water Quality Report Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Report 2017 Emergency Power Outages after business hours or weekends, please call the Baraga County Sheriff Office at 906-524-6177.
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Summer Tourism
Lanse Bay Keweenaw Bay Lake Superior shoreline Baraga an Indian Community Village part of the L'Anse Indian Reservation
Village of Michigan's Upper Peninsula L'Anse Bay
Village of Baraga - A community of Excellence and Diversity Amist Superior Splendor!
Village of Baraga - A community of Excellence and Diversity Amist Superior Splendor!
The Capul Recreational Park Veterans Memorial Park Shoreline of L'Anse Bay from the Village of Baraga
U.P of Michigan Father Frederick Baraga casino gaming tourism Baraga County, City, Town, Yooper, Keweenaw Peninsula, camping, sailing, boating, hunting, fishing